By Eric Curl
Sept. 11, 2020 – With the Sept. 30 deadline approaching, Savannah Mayor Van Johnson reiterated his call Friday night for residents to complete their US Census forms. Savannah’s response rate is only at 55.4% – behind Atlanta (57.5%), Albany (57.5%), Augusta (59.5%) and Charleston, SC(63.1%), according to this tracker on the Census website.
The Census helps determine how much federal funding local governments get for schools, roads, and other public services.
Ten minutes of your time will effect this community for ten years into the future, is a common refrain of Johnson’s, as he encourages residents to complete their forms.
Johnson repeated his plea during his weekly Friday night Facebook chat, which he started off with news footage in remembrance of 9/11.
Census questionnaires can be completed online at my2020census.gov.
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