Feb. 25, 2024 – The Historic Preservation Commission will consider design details for an apartment complex on city-owned property at 916 Martin Luther King. Jr. Boulevard (The project’s height and mass was approved last July). The applicant is proposing to “provide 16 high quality two-bedroom apartments affordable to small families and/or couples who have been displaced, or who are at risk of being displaced, due to the high cost of rental housing in the neighborhood and Savannah,” according to the staff report. See what else is on the agenda and who else is meeting in the latest Week Ahead.
Stay engaged Savannah,
The Chatham Area Transit Authority is meeting at 11 a.m. on Tuesday.
The agenda is now available to view. The meeting can be viewed live on CAT’s YouTube page at: https://www.youtube.com/ChathamAreaTransit.
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The Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission is meeting at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday at 112 E State St.
The agenda is now available to view. The meetings can be viewed remotely by registering via the MPC’s homepage.
The Historic Preservation Commission is meeting at 2 p.m. on Wednesday at 112 E. State St.
The agenda is now available to view. The meetings are in person but the public can also access the meeting virtually by registering via the Metropolitan Planning Commission’s homepage.
The Board of Registrars is meeting at 12 p.m. on Wednesday at the office of Voter Registration, 1117 Eisenhower Drive.
The agenda is now available to view. Conference call login information for virtual meetings is located at the bottom of the agenda.
The Chatham County Commission is meeting at 9:30 a.m. at 124 Bull St. on Friday.
The agenda is now available to view. The meeting can be viewed online here.
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