Submitted by Historic Savannah Foundation
Jan. 6, 2025 – Historic Savannah Foundation (HSF) – the leading nonprofit cultural institution dedicated to saving the buildings, places and stories that define Savannah’s past, present and future – is pleased to announce its newest local advocacy initiative, Historic Savannah Foundation’s Endangered Places. Modeled after the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation’s Places in Peril program, HSF’s Endangered Places program seeks to identify and preserve historic sites threatened by demolition, neglect, lack of maintenance or inappropriate development within Savannah’s city limits.
HSF’s Endangered Places will raise awareness about Savannah’s significant historic, vernacular, archaeological and cultural resources, including buildings, structures, districts and archaeological sites.
“We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Historic Savannah Foundation’s Endangered Places program as we kick off the New Year in 2025,” said Historic Savannah Foundation CEO and President Sue Adler. “We’ve seen the tremendous success of similar national and state level initiatives and felt it was time to bring the same attention to the local level in a program that serves Savannah. Through this new local initiative, we hope to provide helpful resources, encourage community involvement in our efforts to save more endangered historic buildings and tell even more stories that define Savannah’s history.”
Nominations are now open for eligible property submissions at myhsf.org on a rolling basis.Historic Savannah Foundation’s Endangered Places nomination period is ongoing, with no firm deadline. Nominees are invited to submit information as well as photos for consideration.
“Too often properties not located within a local historic district don’t get the attention or advocacy they deserve until it’s too late,” said Historic Savannah Foundation Director of Preservation and Historic Properties Ellie Isaacs. “Our goal with HSF’s Endangered Places initiative is to be proactive and to change the outcome by raising awareness and serving as a resource to the current owners of these properties as well as the surrounding communities.”
Criteria for properties to be considered for HSF’s Endangered Places include:
● Sites must be at least 50 years old and have local architectural, cultural or historical significance.
● The site’s significance can be associated with notable people, events or activities associated with a broad pattern of history.
● Sites do not have to be listed in a historic district to be eligible.
● Sites must be subject to a serious threat to their existence or historical, architectural and/or archaeological integrity.
● There must be a demonstrable level of community commitment and support for the preservation of the nominated site.
To learn more about Historic Savannah Foundation’s Endangered Places initiative, submission criteria and nomination process, please visit myhsf.org.
Historic Savannah Foundation (HSF) is the leading nonprofit cultural institution dedicated to saving the buildings, places and stories that define Savannah’s past, present and future. Founded in 1955 when seven brave women banded together to save the Isaiah Davenport House, Historic Savannah Foundation spearheaded the preservation movement in Savannah. The organization continues to preserve and operate The Davenport House Museum, sharing its important story with the community, and operates a Revolving Fund to save endangered historic properties, now totaling over 400 buildings throughout several of Savannah’s historic districts. HSF continues to lead preservation efforts throughout the Savannah community. More info: myhsf.org.