By Eric Curl
Nov. 26, 2023 – Plans to renovate the Kiah House and the historic Gould Cottage are moving forward, as are plans to construct a multifamily housing project behind the JEA. Meanwhile, CAT is expanding its services and the city is taking steps to get more affordable housing constructed.
Kiah House renovation
The Historic Preservation Commission approved a petition for the rehabilitation of the Kiah House on Nov. 20. The approved petition also includes the demolition of the carriage house, which was found to be structurally unsound due partially to termite infestation. Once demolished a similar structure is to be constructed in its place.
Multifamily Housing behind JEA
The city completed its review and issued a building permit on Nov. 20 for the construction of a 4-story, 93-unit apartment complex with 115 parking spaces behind the JEA building at 5300 Bull St. Atlanta-based RPM Living submitted the plans, as previously reported by Savannah Agenda. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
CAT service expansion
The Chatham Area Transit Authority approved a service expansion to Port Wentworth on Nov. 21, as reported by WTOC’s Anna Stansfield.
Savannah City Council OKs rezoning, housing plan and legislative priorities
The Savannah City Council approved a petition to rezone the property at 505 E. 54th Street from single-family to multi-family use. The project includes the restoration of the the historic building on the property, once used as a home for children, and its rear carriage house, as reported by Savannah Morning News reporter Evan Lasseter. The former orphanage is expected to be restored with up to 11 dwelling units along with the construction of three 4-unit apartment buildings and the restoration of the carriage house with up to two dwelling units.
The city council also approved a resolution to authorize the Chatham County/City of Savannah Land Bank Authority to use up to $220,000 to acquire 1826 Florance St. and to authorize CHSA Development, Inc. to use up to $480,000 from the Savannah Affordable Housing Fund (SAHF) to facilitate the renovation of a former row house to convert it into four accessible apartments that benefit medically fragile persons experiencing homelessness. The apartments on Florance Street would be transitional housing, providing things like case management, access to transportation, and ensuring nutritional needs are met, as reported by Fox28 Savannah’s Christian Felt.
In addition, the city council approved it 2024 state legislative agenda to prioritize items that require legislative action and attention during the Georgia Legislative Session. Of the listed priorities, several deal with affordable housing, homelessness property taxes and rent regulation, as reported by WTOC’s Simone McKenny.
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