By Eric Curl
Nov. 9, 2022 update – The Historic District review board approved the design amendments sought by the developer.
Nov. 7, 2022 – After a period of a inactivity, the developer appears to be moving forward once again with a previously approved plan to construct a 6-story, Art Deco-style hotel on a vacant lot along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
Atlanta-based North Point Hospitality recently submitted minor design amendments to the plan, which will be presented to the Historic District Board of Review on Wednesday for consideration. Staff is recommending approval of the changes.

The hotel site is located within the local Historic District across from Broughton Street’s western end and near the Yamacraw Village public housing community to the northwest. It is surrounded by construction activity, including a 390-unit apartment complex being built immediately to the west across three blocks. To the south, buildings located at 111 and 119 MLK will be rehabilitated, while the center structure at 113 MLK will be demolished to make way for a public courtyard, under the plan approved by the review board in July. Across MLK, Chatham County is constructing a new courthouse down the block at Oglethorpe Avenue.
A Firestone Auto Care shop built in the mid-1960s previously occupied the site before being demolished in 2017. The hotel’s height and mass were previously approved by the review board on Feb. 12, 2020 and the design details were subsequently approved three months later.
63 MLK, an affiliate of North Point Hospitality, purchased the property in 2014 for $4.5 million, according to the public records.
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