By Eric Curl
Sept. 29, 2022 update – The Historic Preservation Commission approved the project with some conditions.
Sept. 24, 2022 – Greenline Architecture is returning to the Historic Preservation Commission to request approval of a plan to rehab two connected historic buildings at 41st and Montgomery streets.
The revised proposal going before the commission on Wednesday also includes the removal of a second story addition and construction of one- and two-story additions.

The structure on the corner of Montgomery and 41st Street is a 2-story wood frame building historically used as a commercial shop on the ground floor and living quarters on the second floor, according to the proposal going before the commission on Wednesday.
Records of the 1-story brick structure along Montgomery Street indicate it was historically used as an ice cream manufacturing building and later a bakery. (Read more about the history of Gernatt’s Creamery in this 2006 Savannah Morning News article.) The current owners plan to rehabilitate the buildings for commercial use on the ground floor and create two 2-bedroom apartments on the second level with an addition over the brick structure, according to the architect’s project description.
In June, the commission delayed consideration of the proposal to give Greenline time to make some recommended design changes. The revised plan includes requested redesigns, including the reduction of the addition’s mass, and staff is recommending approval.
The full agenda for the meeting is available to view. The meetings are in person but the public can also access the meeting virtually by registering via the meeting’s registration page.