Aug. 7, 2023 – Keep Savannah Beautiful and the City of Savannah’s Sanitation Department, encourages residents and organizations to sign up for the annual Great Savannah Community Cleanup.
The Great Savannah Community Cleanup is a city-wide day of service where residents, businesses, and local community organizations come together to beautify and improve the city of Savannah by removing litter and debris from public areas.
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The cleanup will take place from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 30. Keep Savannah Beautiful will provide cleaning supplies for all participants that host a cleanup.
Those interested may register online by Sept. 15 at savannahga.gov/greatsavannahcleanup or by contacting Carliss Bates at cbates@savannahga.gov.
Residents can choose to participate individually, or partner with their neighborhood or preferred civic organization to assist with their planned cleanup. Student participants are eligible to receive community service hours for their involvement with the cleanup.
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Residents and organizations are also encouraged to participate in the Adopt-A-Spot program and adopt a street, park, or neighborhood. When adopting a spot, the City will furnish and install an Adopt-A-Spot sign, stating which responsible organization assisted in removing debris collected at the adoptive site.
The City will also provide safety vests, gloves, and plastic bags to aid in the litter removal activities. Interested parties can register online at savannahga.gov/adopt-a-spot.
Keep Savannah Beautiful (KSB) is a local affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, a national nonprofit public education organization dedicated to improving waste handling practices in American communities.
Keep Savannah Beautiful started as the Clean Community Advisory Council in Oct. 1979 by resolution of the Mayor and Alderpersons to help the community combat litter problems. After training and certification by Keep America Beautiful, the name was changed to Keep Savannah Beautiful.