By Eric Curl
June 22, 2022 (updated) – The Historic Preservation Commission considered two separate proposals on Wednesday to restore historic corner store buildings that once operated as neighborhood businesses.
The proposals on the June 22 agenda included the restoration of the historic commercial building at 222 West Duffy. Constructed in 1894, the building has served many roles over its more than 120 years, including retail space and most recently a neighborhood breakfast restaurant, according to the application. Staff recommended approval of the restoration, which is being proposed by Michael Condon, owner of Vintage Home Restoration.
The plan was approved by the commission with condition that include some design changes to the doors and windows.

In addition, Greenline Architecture requested approval for the rehabilitation of the 401 West 41st. St., as well as the removal of a second story addition and construction of a one- and two-story additions. The structure on the corner of Montgomery and 41st Street is a 2-story wood frame building historically used as a commercial shop on the ground floor and living quarters on the second floor, according to the application.
Records of the 1-story brick structure along Montgomery Street indicate it was historically used as an ice cream manufacturing building and later a bakery. (Read more about the history of Gernatt’s Creamery in this 2006 Savannah Morning News article.) The current owners plan to rehabilitate the buildings for commercial use on the ground floor and create two 2-bedroom apartments on the second level with an addition over the brick structure.
The commission approved staff’s recommendation to delay consideration of the proposal for 90 days to give time to the applicant to make some design changes, including the redesign of the rooftop addition to be more visually compatible.