A New York-based nonprofit has big plans for Cuyler-Brownville. I got a chance to speak with Dan Kent, from the Galvan Foundation, about those plans after they were approved by the Savannah City Council last week. You can read about what he had to say and a couple of upcoming meetings and development plans below.
Stay engaged Savannah,
Eric Curl (Jan 16, 2023)

The Galvan Foundation plans to get started early this year with the development of single-family houses on three vacant lots on Lavinia Street, after the Savannah City Council approved the New York nonprofit’s plans last week to acquire city properties and build housing in Cuyler-Brownville.
Hutchinson Island clubhouse
The new owner, Mopper Turner Investments, submitted an application and plans to complete the construction of a clubhouse on Hutchinson Island after the project was abandoned, along with the housing development it was meant to serve, more than 10 years ago. The project was started in 2008, but left incomplete by a previous owner due money problems, according to the project submission. Mopper Turner is now trying to complete the interior finishes, sidewalks, parking and pool fence, according to the building permit application, following the purchase of the building and surrounding residential parcels in late 2021.

You can read more about Mopper Turner’s property acquisitions and other Hutchinson Island developments in my recent post on an apartment project being planned on the site.
Week ahead
The Pooler City Council is meeting on Tuesday. The agenda is now available to view.
The Metropolitan Planning Commission is also meeting on Tuesday. The agenda includes Two Tides Brewing owner Liz Massey’s petition to rezone 1401 Paulsen St. to renovate the two-story building into a diner-style restaurant. Massey is also petitioning for a special use permit to allow a microbrewery. Staff is recommending approval.

1800 East 63rd St.
Attorney Robert McCorkle is petitioning on behalf of the property’s owner to rezone about 20 acres at 1800 63rd St. from single-family to multifamily to develop apartments on the east side of the Truman Parkway. The project includes a 3-story building with 36 apartments and a 6-story building with 199 apartments, according to the conceptual plan. Staff is recommending denial of the rezoning request based on the existing zoning pattern and character of the area.
And in case you missed it …
Early childhood learning center
Plans to develop an early childhood learning center took a step forward on Friday, with the Chatham Commission’s approval of a $744,000 design contract for the building, which is expected to provide developmental services for 144 infants, toddlers, and kids. The center, which includes a library, is planned for an almost 9-acre site north of Wheaton Street a few blocks east of the downtown Historic District. The site owned by the Housing Authority of Savannah is also expected to accommodate a YMCA facility and a Goodwill educational center, which are not part of the contract from Friday. The early childhood center is being funded using about $6.3 million in Special Purpose Local Option sales Tax (SPLOST) funds approved by voters in 2019, in addition to $500,000 in funding from a 2006 SPLOST referendum for the library.

Removal of building’s historic designation request delayed
The Savannah Historic District Board of Review continued consideration of an owner’s request to remove the historic designation of a downtown building so that the early-1950s-era structure can be demolished and replaced with single-family residential units. The review board’s vote to delay the matter came after two unsuccessful votes – one to support the petition and another to deny it – failed due to a 2-2 tie resulting from board member abscenses that day.
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