I recently decided to take the plunge and quit my day job so I could devote my time to growing Savannah Agenda into a business and community resource. To celebrate, I launched a Gofundme fundraiser for Savannah’s affordable housing fund (SAHF).
I will provide up to $1,500 to match donations with the goal of raising a total of $3,000 for the fund. Established in 2011 at the request of Step Up Savannah, the city has used the funds for hundreds of repair, construction and acquisition projects since 2012. In addition, the funds can help support affordable housing projects by boosting their chances of obtaining highly competitive low-income housing tax credits, as I wrote about in this article.
At the recommendation of the Housing Savannah Task Force and the city manager, the Savannah City Council included a record $7 million in the city’s FY2022 budget for the SAHF. The fund is also supported by banks, businesses, foundations, non-profits, and individuals, with private donors investing a record of $222,600 to the fund in 2021.
The task force’s plan calls for increasing SAHF funding to $12.5 million annually by 2032–and sustain that investment level thereafter. Every $1 invested in the SAHF is expected to leverage $7 of additional housing investments.
I hope you will join me in contributing a little towards solving this big problem. – Eric Curl