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Savannah Agenda Quiz: Jan. 21, 2024

The first Savannah Agenda quiz of the year features eight questions about recent news and upcoming meetings. The first to correctly answer all of the questions will win a Savannah Agenda t-shirt. Good luck!

Enter your email to be eligible for the prize. (Not required to take the quiz.)

1 / 8

1. What is the average amount of revenue raised each month since the latest Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax was implemented in October 2020?

2 / 8

2. What long-operating business will be shuttering its doors in March?

3 / 8

3. When does the city have to move its police department out of the leased building at 602 East Lathrop Avenue, according to the lease agreement going before the city council on Thursday?


4 / 8

4. What business currently operates out of the building SCAD recently purchased at 102 E. Lathrop Avenue?

5 / 8

5. What will the total capacity be at Grayson Stadium when the Savannah Bananas' add seating for this season?

Wrong. The contract is for a joint fire and police facility to serve New Hampstead, as described in the meeting agenda.

6 / 8

6. At this week's meeting, the Savannah City Council will consider a design contract with Greenline Architecture for what?

7 / 8

7. How much is the city planning to spend on easements needed to increase capacity for conveying sewage and serve growing residential and industrial development, as proposed to go before the city council on Thursday?

8 / 8

8. At the Jan. 11 meeting, the Savannah City Council approved a $40 million contract for:

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