Satire by Eric Curl
March 9, 2023 – Eric Curl, a local blogger who spends way too much time reading meeting agendas and building permits, was caught on video (42:00) Thursday evening attempting to bribe the city to increase the amount of affordable housing in Savannah. The $3,000 payment was exposed when a larger than life check was presented to the mayor and council in front of a larger than normal crowd drawn to the site to witness the annual endorsement of the St. Patrick’s Day festivities. Caught in plain site, it took no persuading for Curl to squeal on his collaborators, a group of about two dozen residents interested in increasing the availability of affordable housing to Savannahians. Curl was promptly photographed with the evidence in hand before he made a quick retreat. Meanwhile, the gateway to such criminal behavior remains wide open. There appears to be no barrier to contributing to the Savannah Affordable Housing Fund, if one chooses to engage in such activity.