Whether its a $1 donation or much more, your support has been overwhelming and is very much appreciated as I try to make this website into a true community resource (the hope is that one day I will be able to fund additional writers and even put out a print edition on occasion). This card is from a supporter who prefers to send checks rather than using today’s new fangled digital payment services. While I am extremely grateful for what was on the inside, the outside of the card is also much appreciated. Its message, basically to productively engage with one another – remains one of my top goals for the site. The donation inside was used to advertise a local nonprofit on the website. A similar donor recently promoted local community radio by buying a WRUU ad with his contribution and a Bike Walk Savannah ad was also purchased by a supporter’s contribution. Nonprofit ads run $50 a month if you are also interested in promoting one of your favorite community organizations while also supporting Savannah Agenda. You can also show your support by sharing Savannah Agenda with others via email or social media. Increasing readership is critical to the long-term success of this site.
Stay engaged Savannah,
If you find value in this website, please consider contributing via Paypal @SavAgenda to help cover the costs. You can also send contributions via Venmo @Savannah_Agenda. Your support, no matter how much you give, is appreciated and will help ensure the future viability of this community resource. You can also show your support by sharing Savannah Agenda with others via email or social media. Increasing readership is critical to the long-term success of this site.
In addition, Savannah Agenda is now selling ad space to keep the site free and accessible to all. Just click the image below to learn more.
Read about founder Eric Curl and his goals for Savannah Agenda.