A Savannah resident promptly received his mail-in ballot for the Nov. 3 election, after submitting his request using the the Georgia Secretary of State’s website. With current state of affairs in mind, the voter’s biggest dilemma was reportedly deciding whether to use black or blue ink to fill in bubbles next to his chosen candidates. After determining the retractable cobalt ballpoint was the way to go, the voter made sure to completely fill in preferred ovals, while resisting urge to emphasis support with exclamation marks. A bit too eager, the voter initially faced some resistance when attempting to stuff ballot in the smaller of the two accompanying envelopes, which proved fortuitous, as said voter realized he had not yet removed mysterious stub at the top of the ballot as directed. With the taste of glue on his tongue, the voter placed the double-enveloped ballot on his table for mailing the next day, as he wondered where in the hell he would find a stamp.
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