By Eric Curl
Feb. 5, 2023 – The former Boys II Men barber shop in Savannah’s Streetcar Historic District – also known as the Starland District – may be converted into a restaurant and bar with a fenced dog park, according to business and renovation plans submitted for the project.
Proposed renovation plans for the building at 2302 Bull St. include interior and exterior work and additions, along with a a pick-up window on the eastern façade for dog park patrons to pick up food and drinks. The fenced dog park would be located on the east side of the property where a parking lot currently exists.

After submitting a business application for the restaurant in August, Wendy Rossi said in an interview with Savannah Agenda that the business idea was inspired by similar establishments such as the BrewHound Dog Park + Bar in Jacksonville, Fla. Rossi, who also co-owns the Escape Company in the downtown Historic District and Tipsy Turtle Tiki Tours, said she intends for the new restaurant and bar to be on the “classier” side. Patrons’ dogs would have to be spayed or neutered and have all their shots, similar to requirements at similar businesses, she said.
Posts on the barber shop’s Facebook page indicated the business closed in 2020 due to a decrease in business after COVID-19 and the need for the “family” to make some changes after 30 years of business.
The wife of Boy’s II Men’s founder, Melanie Tyson, is now the owner of the building after the property was put in her name in 2016 following the death of her husband, Pastor Gregory A. Tyson, Sr., according to public records. Gregory Tyson, who founded the barber shop, purchased the property for $89,000 in 1996.
Following its opening, Boys II Men business evolved into an important community and cultural gathering spot, as reported in Tom Barton’ column in the Savannah Morning News about Gregory Tyson following the pastor’s death at age 46 in 2015. Thousands of people gathered at Jonesville Baptish Church to remember Tyson and his impact on the community, as reported by WTOC at the time.
The building plans are scheduled to go before the Historic Preservation Commission for consideration on Feb. 22.
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