April 26 update  We have a winner! Congratulations to Green Truck Pub‘s Joshua Yates, who was the first to correctly answer all eight questions of Savannah Agenda’s most recent news quiz! In addition to winning a Savannah Agenda t-shirt, Joshua also won a $10 gift certificate to quiz sponsor, Waters Cafe. (Business owners who want to sponsor the next quiz by providing a gift certificate for the winner can send an email to eric.curl@savannahagenda.com.)

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Savannah Agenda Quiz: April 2024

The latest Savannah Agenda quiz features eight questions about recent news and upcoming meetings. The first to correctly answer all of the questions (on the first attempt) will win a $10 gift certificate to the Waters Cafe and a Savannah Agenda t-shirt. Good luck!

Enter your email to be eligible for the prize. (Not required to take the quiz.)

1 / 8

1. How much was Savannah's Colonia Oil ordered to pay in civil penalties for Clean Air Act violations? (Read the story by The Current here)

2 / 8

2. How many apartment units is Foram Group proposing to construct on East Broad and Gwinnett streets? Find the answer in the latest Week Ahead>

3 / 8

3. What is the last day to register to vote in time for the upcoming general primary election? Find the answer and more about how to vote here> And if you need to register, you can do it here>

4 / 8

4. How much is the city paying for a new parking study south of Liberty to Victory Drive? (Read the story here)

5 / 8

5. How much did SCAD pay the city in 2023 in property taxes for the 17-story dorm and former Ghost Coast building on Indian Street? (Read the story here.)

6 / 8

6. What is being planned for the former Blue Door Coffee and Waffles building at 1718 Bull St.? (Read the story here)

7 / 8

7. How much did Starland Bull LLC purchase C&S Furniture & Upholstery buildings at 2517 Bull St. and 2517 West 42nd St. as part of the plan to convert the buildings into a “managed food hall”? (Read the story here).

8 / 8

8. What year was the Dixie Machine Company established? (Read the story here)

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