By Eric Curl
Oct. 8, 2022 – Savannah Mall was purchased by BCHM Investment Group LLC for about $8.44 million on Oct. 4, according to the sales record. The corporation’s address is a residential property owned by Robert Ali, who is the registered agent for the corporation. Formed in September, BCHM is involved in real estate, rental and leasing, according to the Georgia Secretary of State’s office.
A web search and court documents indicate Robert Ali is also the owner of D&A Distribution, which is listed on Savannah Mall’s website as “opening soon” on the tenant page. Clicking on the link to D&A’s website takes you to web page for Strictly E-Cig, which describes itself on Facebook as one of the largest and fastest growing wholesale distributors of vaping kits and accessories.

Another occupant of the mall, which operates a call center out of mall space purchased for almost $2 million in November 2021, filed a lawsuit against the now-former owner, Savannah Mall Realty Holdings (SMRH), and D&A Distribution in August. In the lawsuit, MBM Developments claims that since July, the call center’s employees have been complaining of excessive loud noises and vibrations from D&A’s operations on the floor above.
“The noises are best described as bowling balls being dropped and rolled along the floor” or “fighter jets”, the complaint states. Additionally, tractor trailer traffic to and from the loading dock accessed via the parking area for employees within MBM’s space has dramatically increased to a volume not intended for the zoning district and created a life-threatening safety situation, the suit states.
In the complaint, MBM demands an order to end the alleged nuisances, along with compensation for the impact to the center’s operations and attorney and court fees.
In a statement issued to Savannah Agenda through its attorney, MBM said: “We congratulate Mr. Robert Ali on his purchase. Mr. Ali has an opportunity to be a great neighbor and community member, now that he owns the whole mall, he can easily will resolve the noise, and most importantly safety issues in this area of the greater property. We believe Mr. Ali will do the right thing.”

Robert Ali, who is listed as D&A’s contact in the court summons, declined through his attorney to comment for this article.
In its response, D&A denies the allegations and asks for the lawsuit to be dismissed.
Savannah Mall Realty Holding also denied the allegations in a court response on Oct. 10. In addition, SMRH claimed MBM lacked standing had suffered no recoverable damages. The corporation also asked that the lawsuit be dismissed and that SMHR be awarded its reasonable attorneys fees and costs incurred.
The portion of the mall purchased by BCHM does not include the space owned by MBM. Mall anchors Target and Dillard’s were also excluded from the purchase.
The closing follows an online auction of the property over the summer, with a starting bid of $2.5 million.
Editor’s note: This article has been updated since it was originally published to include information about MBM’s lawsuit. On Oct. 10, information about information about SMRH’s response was added. On Oct. 17, the statement issued on behalf of MBM was added.
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